Download Doctor Who – Season 3

This time, David Tennant and Freema Agyeman are the stars, as the companion of The Doctor changes… =)

Martha Jones begins as a medical student who becomes the Doctor’s time travelling companion after an incident at the hospital where she works. After well over a year of service at his side, Martha parts from the Doctor’s company as she cannot bear her own unrequited love for him. After returning to life on Earth, becoming engaged and finishing her medical degree, Martha finds a newfound level of independence when she is recruited into the paranormal military organisations UNIT, and briefly Torchwood. In a later appearance, she takes the surname Smith-Jones after having married fellow companion Mickey Smith and becoming a freelance alien hunter. Having faced the end of the world single-handedly during her time with the Doctor, Martha is recognised for her skills both in the field and in medicine.

Download links – Season 3:

Episode 1: Smith and Jones

Episode 2: The Shakespeare Code

Episode 3: Gridlock

Episode 4: Daleks in Manhattan

Episode 5: Evolution of the Daleks

Episode 6: The Lazarus Experiment

Episode 7: 42

Episode 8: Human Nature

Episode 9: The Family of Blood

Episode 10: Blink

Episode 11: Utopia

Episode 12: The Sound of Drums

Episode 13: Last of the Time Lords
